We just introduced a great new feature into TweetRoost which will save you an enormous amount of energy if you do much monitoring of Twitter for customer interaction. Let’s say you are monitoring your brand’s hashtags or keywords with TweetRoost’s Search Monitor, and let’s say your brand has a frequently-used tagline — like “Just do it” — or you just had an article which produced many Tweets or Retweets, or a Tweet about your brand gets many Retweets. These types of situations can produce hundreds of Tweets or Retweets which are exactly or almost exactly the same.

And if you are monitoring via Twitter directly, those Tweets can ‘clog’ the works: You’ve got to scan your multiple Searches and your Mentions by hand; and you have to filter out the duplicates by hand (and eye). This is not only tedious, it is error prone.

If you have been using TweetRoost Search Monitors, all Tweets and Retweets matching the Search parameters are automatically brought into the permanent TweetRoost archive. Nice. You can review these during your working hours, not miss them when they fly by, or when you’re at lunch or if they come in at midnight. But there has been a lurking problem: Multiple duplicate Tweets and Retweets were simply saved to the archive and displayed with no indication that they were duplicates. Additionally, if assigning had been turned on, a lot of extra emails were sent. But now…

In the latest version of TweetRoost, duplicate Tweets and Retweets are archived, but when the Saved Items are displayed, the first Tweet or Retweet from a set of duplicates is the only one displayed! This Saved Item has a count of the number of Similar (duplicate) Items, and a link so you can see the complete list of duplicates if you want. Here is an example:

Screen shot of 'Similar' Item List

Note how each of the two items — which had matched the Search Monitor for the hashtag #trsupport — have a count of the duplicate similar items (3 and 4 items), and that count is a link to display those duplicates.

And while this can be a tremendous time saver when viewing items to ‘work on’ — like responding to customers or potential customers — it also saves time when assignment and email is turned on. If you are being emailed on each new Search Monitor match, duplicates are not emailed.

And here is a real life example: We had a case where an article was published about a product which a TweetRoost user was Monitoring, and the article caused hundreds of Tweets and Retweets. This created hundreds of Saved Items in the main working list, and hundreds of emails. Bad. With our newly-introduced Duplicate Management, while the Tweets and Retweets will be saved, they will not clog up the main Saved Items list and no extra emails will be sent. #yes.
