We’ve been intrigued by allowing people to send Tweets which are longer than 140 characters, especially since anyone looking to help customers might need more ‘space’ to help. And we saw many cases like this.

So we looked into implementing this in TweetRoost. It is not too difficult to do, and after a lot of hard discussion and soul-searching, and also after seeing the problems of writers who often couldn’t easily make sense in 140 characters — we decided to do it.

Here is what we’ve done: TweetRoost pay-for customers and evaluators who Tweet, Retweet, or Reply will see the usual 140 count, always counting down, but you’ll also see a note: “140 character+ supported”. When your count goes over 140, you’ll see the count go negative, but TweetRoost will handle your message anyway! Obviously, if you go a character or two over, you’ll probably just want to shorten a word or two. But if you have a communication which really won’t fit into 140 characters, you can keep going – TweetRoost will accept the submission and it will put a link at the end of the Tweet to a page containing the entire long Tweet.

Here is an example of what a long tweet looks like: “@msk914 Yes, long tweets in TweetRoost are interesting, since you can click the link in TR or directly in Twitter…(cont) http://bit.ly/jIyaZv” … where the http://bit.ly/jIyaZv is a link, both in TweetRoost and in Twitter, to a page which shows the full Tweet.

Sign up for TweetRoost today. It is in the cloud, no downloads needed, and you’ll be able to see how this works for yourself.
