A recent article about MediaRoost from the May 25, 2011 issue of the The Home News Tribune…

The Home News Tribune

I was interviewed a few weeks ago by Bob Makin of the Home News Tribune face to face. It was a business story, not a technical article, so it was not about features and functions, it was about the business plan, our business backgrounds, and how TweetRoost could help customers.

It was different, and it reminded me of the ‘good old days.’ Bob and I sat across the meeting room table, we spent a few minutes talking about his newspaper — I’ve had a subscription for years — and we talked about my time on the local Board of Education, which Bob has covered over the years.

We talked about my business background, why we started MediaRoost after selling our last company, and we talked about Twitter and social media use, especially by the younger people (his kids).  It was a great hour together. I realized that I cannot remember the last face to face press meeting I’ve had — and I’ve had many phone (or even email) ‘interviews’ of the past years. It was so worthwhile, by seeing each other and getting to know a bit about our backgrounds, we could connect much better.

And Bob got it right when he wrote the article, I am very pleased: He captured what we are trying to do, why, and our business goals. Thanks!
