We’ve just added a new feature to TweetRoost: Email Digests.

Generally as users we can look at important Twitter events in real time, but sometimes that’s not possible. We may be in meetings, teaching a course, programming, or just out at the movies or at lunch. But everyone reads their email from time to time, so we’ve added a feature to TweetRoost: the opportunity to see Tweets, Mentions and Messages via email, and what better way than an Email Digest. And with Email Digests, you get one email every day or one every week — your choice. And what you do not get is one email per Twitter event, which can be very annoying.

Here’s how it works: First, you decide which type of Twitter received events you want to see in the Email Digest. You can see all Tweets received in your TweetRoost account; you can see only the Messages and Mentions; or you can see only the results of a Twitter Saved Search (set up in TweetRoost under a Search Monitor). You decide which email account to send them to, then you decide how frequently. That’s it.

Here’s what the setup screen looks like:

Email Digest Setup

Once you set up an Email Digest you’ll get emails from TweetRoost with the list of Tweets, Messages and Mentions, and you’ll also get links to TweetRoost and to Twitter to see more information about those items you want to know more about. Here’s a sample email:

Email Digest

To try out TweetRoost, just go to mediaroost.com, click on Try it Free, and you’ll have a running version within seconds. Enjoy.