Recently we’ve been at some conferences like TSIA Service Revolutions and TechCrunch Disrupt. I looked occasionally at the Twitter hashtags for these conferences to keep in touch with people and read about what was going on which I might have otherwise missed.

But then I realized afterwards that I have no permanent record of those tweets, but I have just the tool – TweetRoost – to save those tweets for me so that I and others can look at them whenever we want.

We’ll be at 140conf in NYC this week, June 15th and 16th. Many people are tweeting with the hashtag #140conf. To make it easy for everyone to follow what’s going on both during and after the conference, I’ve set up a special TweetRoost site. It is called It has a Search Monitor running looking for the hashtag #140conf, and it saves all tweets with that hashtag to the permanent TweetRoost database. Taking advantage of TweetRoost’s role capabilities we’ve made a guest userid which lets anyone read and search through all of these archived tweets. That user can also email specific tweets to anyone they want. Anyone can use this facility for free:

Go to Login as guest, password is guest140. All the tweets and retweets with the #140conf hashtag are shown as Saved Items. To see only Tweets (but not Retweets), select the ‘Type’ box, and instead of ‘All’, choose ‘Tweets’, then click Filter. To look for a phrase in any of the Tweets, put that phrase in the ‘Text’ box and click Filter. Also, next to the ‘Saved Items’ words are two icons – one is for setting up an RSS feed of Saved Items, the other allows you to Print a list of Saved Items. Note that this site was setup for only archiving those #140conf tweets, so Timelines, Scheduling, Reports, etc are not active.


If you become a TweetRoost customer, you’d get much more – the Timeline, Scheduling, Activities, Reports, etc are all active, and they’d be active for all your real twitter accounts.

Sign up for free to your own TweetRoost site and check it out.



  1. Unlimited access to the TweetRoost Archive | TweetRoost - September 16, 2011

    [...] few months ago, I wrote a blog about how TweetRoost Archive can be used to save all Tweets around a specific Conference, Meeting, event, etc. We put this into [...]