I was reading an interesting blog post by Zendesk yesterday. It touches very closely on what we are doing with TweetRoost and customer support, so I thought I would comment about Twitter and its relationship to Customer Support.

Twitter has hundreds of millions of users, billions of Tweets every week, and people use Twitter to express satisfaction and dissatisfaction with products and brands. Only those companies who are listening to the Twittersphere can help those people.

With our background in Customer Service we can see the benefits of listening to customers on all channels, including new ones like Twitter. In fact, our own first experiences with Twitter were reading the interesting articles about Delta Airlines and how @deltaAssist was setup and manned by a full staff to help people who needed help. It sure paid off for Delta and its customers during blizzards over the past years.

Since Comcast has gotten a name as a company who uses Twitter for customer help, I did some searching last week: @comcastcares is the main support Twitter Account, and Comcast service desk technicians with handles like @comcastWill, @comcastMelissa, and others, are handling tens of thousands of customer issues for Comcast. It is very impressive.

With TweetRoost, companies like these and yours too can talk to customers on Twitter, handling multiple Twitter accounts all from within one interface and login. You can also have TweetRoost automatically find Tweets about your company and brand using our Search Monitor feature, and the input from customers and your responses are saved forever in TweetRoost. Furthermore, to make coordination easy, Tweets can be assigned in round robin to service desk people, or they can be assigned based on skills. You can see who is working on what, how long they are taking, have records of support activities, and your customers will love you for it. And you’ll be able to manage this support function.

Go to the MediaRoost Homepage, sign up for a free trial – no downloads are needed – and see how it can help you and your customers.



  1. Canned Replies: Twitter and Customer Service | TweetRoost - February 8, 2012

    [...] before about using TweetRoost for supporting your customers who contact you via Twitter and need Customer Service.  When we’ve looked at how organizations are using Twitter and TweetRoost, many replies are [...]